Get ready for privacy wars. In California, CCPA not only impacts online businesses, but traditional retailers have been forced to send out notices to consumers alerting them to the kinds of in-store and transactional data collection they are doing. This is a gigantic challenge for some, but to others it is a marketing opportunity. “We keep your private information more private than Brand X.” is a marketing strategy I expect to see a lot in 2020. Continue Reading →
Instagram Likes
Adam Mosseri, who runs Instagram, is about to change the world. Like it or not, Instagram is going to make “like” counts private. This is a bold, (but well tested) move. The company has previously hidden likes in Canada, Japan, Brazin, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and Italy. Now, Instagram will expand its testing to the US. Continue Reading →
Shelly Palmer on Fox 5
Tik Tok clubs are popping up at schools everywhere and it’s fantastic! But there’s more to the story. I talk with Kerry Drew and Bianca Peters about how to help your kids get the most out of Tik Tok at home and at school on Fox 5 New York's Good Day Wake Up. Original Airdate: October 22, 2019 Continue Reading →
Facebook: Platform, Publisher, or Ministry of Truth?
Facebook is being pilloried for its unwillingness to remove a paid advertisement by President Trump’s reelection campaign after Facebook was notified by the Biden campaign that the ad contained false statements about Joe Biden and his son. On the surface, this seems simple, and Facebook’s decision not to remove the ad seems wrong. But there is much more to the story. Continue Reading →