iOS 6
The adoption rate of iOS 6 among iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users has surged to 15% in the first 24 hours, according to a new report from online advertising network Chitika. The rate is much higher than it was with iOS 5, which took five days to reach 20% adoption, and Google’s latest Android Continue Reading →
iOS 6
Sure, the iPhone 5 comes out on Friday, but you can now get Apple’s latest iOS 6 software on your iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. Apple has just confirmed that its ready for download through iTunes and as an over-the-air update to your device if you are on a Wi-Fi network. Users should be promoted Continue Reading →
Voice control is the way of the future, or at least that’s what Apple wants people to believe. With the launch of Siri on last year’s iPhone 4S, Apple opened up a new world of using a natural language user interface to the masses. Today, Siri is on the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and iPad, Continue Reading →
Pretty soon millions—tens of millions!—of suckers will own a pair of Apple EarPods. If you hated the old Apple buds because they sound terrible and don’t fit, good news is that these are better. And they still come free with a device. The bad news is that they’re still a pretty poor way to experience Continue Reading →
Apple did not announce a subscription iTunes access model – which has been mooted by the Wall Street Journal and New York Times – along with iPhones and iPods on Wednesday. And that’s just fine. Such a move, when it happens, will redefine the industry forever – but Apple, and music, can afford to wait. Continue Reading →
The Original iPhone
Like many of Apple’s inventions, the iPhone began not with a vision, but with a problem. By 2005, the iPod had eclipsed the Mac as Apple’s largest source of revenue, but the music player that rescued Apple from the brink now faced a looming threat: The cellphone. Everyone carried a phone, and if phone companies Continue Reading →
New iPods
Although Apple’s September 12th invite graphic suggests the event will be all about the iPhone 5, 9to5Mac reports that new iPods could debut as well. According to the site, Apple might give two of its iPod lineups a refresh — specifically the iPod nano and iPod shuffle. 9to5Mac also speculates that it’s possible a refreshed Continue Reading →