Predicting the Future
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.” — Heraclitus I have been in business a rather long time… long enough now to be called an “Oldtimer.” I started in my own business right out of college way back in 1979. I Continue Reading →
The New Health Age
In 2010, I wrote a book about the New Health Age. Along with my co-author, Jonathan Fleece, we realized that the discussion about healthcare in America was being driven by fear, ignorance and political manipulation. Any discussion with these three components is a stupid conversation. We decided to write an intelligent book to bring some Continue Reading →
Solar and Wind Energy
More than four years ago, in early 2009, I published a column saying that the great recession we had just entered would be a green recession. In February 2009, in a column titled, “This Great Recession is Actually Green,” I wrote: “The view here is that when the U.S. does emerge from this recession in Continue Reading →
Entering the Shift Age
It was an honor to be part of Sarasota TEDx 12-12-12. The theme of the event was “Creativity Matters.” Throughout the day, creativity was manifested by talks, performances and creative interactions. Held in the Ringling Museum and the historic Asolo Theater it was a wonderful event. The talk I gave at the end of the Continue Reading →
Google Car
Much of the reporting about Google’s driverless car has mistakenly focused on its science-fiction feel. While the car is certainly cool, the gee-whiz focus suggests that it is just a high-tech dalliance by a couple of brash young multibillionaires, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. In fact, the driverless car has broad implications for Continue Reading →
Mooly Eden steps out of the world of transistors and microprocessors for a moment. “If you want a simple explanation of what we’re doing, just look to Asimov,” the head of Intel’s Perceptual Computing push says, explaining. “Or Star Trek, Star Wars, and Avatar. The ideas have been in science fiction for years, and now Continue Reading →
Apocalypse Not
We have become addicted to catastrophes and end of days predictions. We have become, in a word from Gary Alexander: Apocaholics. In a 2007 web essay, Alexander began a long list on Armageddon- that-never-were with the following preamble: Hi, I’m Gary and I’m a recovering Apocaholic. I am currently Apocalypse free for nearly 18 years. Continue Reading →
Mayan Calendar
On December 21, 2012, the world did not end. The end of the Mayan calendar did not bring about the apocalypse as the internet (and a surprisingly large number of people) predicted. The Earth did not collide with Nibiru (aka Planet X), nor did we experience a massive solar flare thrown at us by the Continue Reading →
Kids With Tablets
I hope we can all agree that throwing technology at children will not make them smarter. Let’s start there, because we are throwing a lot of technology at kids these days. Computers have made their way into many classrooms. Shockingly (and sadly), not all classrooms and educators, schools and parents stay up to date. Tablets Continue Reading →