Canon is known for a whole bunch of products. From DSLRs to point and shoot cameras, EF lenses, copiers, calculators, projectors and beyond, Canon brings a unique spin to the world of tech. Not a camera junkie? No worries. Take a look at Canon’s most recent foray into the world of printing. Canon recently upped Continue Reading →
Massive Ultra HD TV (or 4K) sets were the new new thing at the last International CES, and we will see incredible advances in the technology at the upcoming show. 4K picture quality is amazing, the color space is magnificent and, to be as non-technical as I can be – the moment you see a Continue Reading →
The 2014 International CES (January 7-10 in Las Vegas) is around the corner. Thinking back to last year’s show, there were a few trends that stood out: The Goldilocks Screen-size Strategy If the 4″ iPhone screen was too small and the 5.7″ Samsung Galaxy Note screen was too big, perhaps the 4.7″ HTC One screen Continue Reading →