If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Lawyers are warning employers against friending employees on social networks. The National Law Journal wrote that friending or following employees on Facebook or Twitter could “trigger or exacerbate a host of legal claims, including harassment, discrimination or wrongful termination.” While employers Continue Reading →
If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Verizon is set to bring two Google Android based smartphones to the market. The deal was revealed when Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Verizon Wireless CEO Lowell McAdam unveiled a new Motorola phone bundled with Android. The “Sholes,” the phones code-name, Continue Reading →
Charter Communications
About a year ago I decided that it was time to try out the triple play from my cable company in Connecticut. Charter Communications was offering video, voice and data at an extremely attractive rate. At the time I was paying Verizon about $100 per month for my telephone service. I was paying Charter about Continue Reading →
On Monday, September 21, 2009, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Julius Genachowski outlined the concrete actions he believes the Commission must take to preserve the free and open Internet. He said, "The Internet is an extraordinary platform for innovation, job creation, investment, and opportunity. It has unleashed the potential of entrepreneurs and enabled the launch and growth of small businesses across America. It is vital that we safeguard the free and open Internet." Continue Reading →