Cloud Storage
The velocity of data is increasing and will always increase. This is a fact of modern life. According to IBM, we create approximately 1.86EB of data every hour of every day. So it is no wonder that annual cloud storage revenue exceeds $60 billion and is trending up and to the right. There are dozens of companies offering free or close-to-free storage solutions for consumers. Here's an overview of seven excellent cloud storage choices – at least one of them will certainly fit your needs. Continue Reading →

Home Security Gadgets

Home Security Devices
Shelly Palmer talks with Sukanya Krishnan and Jennifer Lahmers about home security devices and how to configure Amazon Echo's 'Away Mode' to outwit would-be burglars from breaking in. Original Airdate: August 7, 2018 Continue Reading →

Tech Earnings Rebound

Shelly Palmer
Shelly Palmer addresses the rebound of tech shares following the third quarter earnings report on CNN’s Quest Means Business with Richard Quest and Clare Sebastian. Original Airdate: July 31, 2018 Continue Reading →

Amazon Prime Glitch Day

Shelly Palmer
Shelly Palmer talks with Sukanya Krishnan and Jennifer Lahmers about Amazon Prime Day, and copious glitches online shoppers experienced on their website during Black Friday in July. Continue Reading →
The sensationalist hype around AI has a lot of people believing that the technology may be too advanced or too technical for their businesses to take advantage of. This is false. AI is here now and you can start using it today. Continue Reading →
Amazon AR View
Augmented reality (AR) is on the cusp of being one of the technological advances that are all but guaranteed to change our day-to-day behavior. Imagine living in a world filled with “movie magic.” A world so packed with computer-generated images, it’s hard to tell fantasy from reality. That’s the dream, but where are we now, and who is going to get us there first? Here’s a quick overview of the state of AR. Continue Reading →
Bad Alexa
Some people believe that Alexa is listening all the time. This is true. Some people believe that Alexa records every word for posterity. This is false. Some people believe that having an Amazon Echo increases their risk of being hacked. This is also false. But, there’s more to the story. Continue Reading →
facebook amazon netflix google verizon apple salesforce at&t microsoft
Apple CEO Tim Cook and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg have been all over the news this week. Before your eyes glaze over and you decide you are already a world-class expert in this subject, or worse, you think data is someone else’s issue, or much worse, you don’t think there’s anything you can do about your data, let’s review: Continue Reading →