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If you spend a lot of time traveling overseas, you’ll quickly realize that smartphones are not all smart. The rates for making and receiving calls are reminiscent of mobile phone plans in the 90s. If you don’t buy an expensive monthly international roaming plan, your phone calls may cost several dollars per minute. Even with Continue Reading →
How many times have you asked a friend to call your phone because you can’t find it? Whether it slipped behind a couch cushion or was left in a jacket pocket, there are plenty of hiding spaces that phones love to hide in. Thanks to a new app called Marco Polo, however, finding your phone Continue Reading →
Why bother taking the time to count your calories when your microwave could do it for you? Researchers at General Electric have created a device that’s able to quickly figure out how many calories are in your food by analyzing its fat content, water content and weight. Using those numbers, it can then roughly figure Continue Reading →
Fit Smart, a new fitness tracker from Adidas, is taking a different approach to the Quantified Self. Instead of measuring all of your activity 24/7, Fit Smart is only worn when you’re exercising or doing something physical that you want to quantify – think of it more like a personal trainer than a fitness tracker. Continue Reading →
Forget “OK, Glass.” What if you could take a picture with your mind? That’s the goal behind MindRDR, an app that was just released for Google Glass. MindRDR syncs with Google Glass and a separate piece of head-mounted hardware to create a “communication loop.” The app then looks for and tracks the brainwaves that respond Continue Reading →
Why walk to work — or even bike — when you can get there with smart electric skates? ACTON recently launched a Kickstarter for RocketSkates, the world’s first smart electric skates. Each skate has two hub motors controlled by an on-board microprocessor, and the skates are able to communicate with one another so they maintain Continue Reading →
Can a blanket gauge your mood? British Airways certainly thinks it can. The airline is testing out a “happiness blanket” to help make its passengers more comfortable on flights. Loaded with fiber optics, the blanket connects to a neurosensory device and acts like a big, cozy mood ring. Not every passenger flying British Airways will Continue Reading →
What if benches in public parks were more than just a place to sit? That’s the thinking behind a new project in Boston, where solar-powered benches called “Soofas” will let you take a load off – and also give you a place to plug in and re-charge your smartphone. Designed by a Verizon Innovation Program Continue Reading →
If you’re one of the early adopters of the Ouya, your video game library just got a lot bigger. Ouya, the video game console that got over $8 million from Kickstarter two years ago, just launched a program called “Ouya All-Access” that gives you access its entire 800 game library for $60 a year. The Continue Reading →
If you’ve seen the third Harry Potter movie (or read the book), you probably remember the Marauder’s Map, which tracks the footsteps of everyone at Hogwarts. Kamin Whiteouse, a researcher at the University of Virginia, has turned that fiction into reality. Whitehouse said people want to know where everyone is in their home, so he Continue Reading →

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