Tech Biz

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[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] Google has hired networking expert, Milo Medin, as vice president of access services. The move comes with a push for the completion of Google’s own high-speed fiber network that will be ready for trial in select communities early next year. Boasting Internet speeds up to 100 times Continue Reading →
Comcast is conducting a small test in Augusta, Ga. of a set-top box that will merge cable connectivity with streaming web content. Not unlike popular devices Slingbox and Roku, Comcast’s solution dubbed “Xcalibur” will provide searchable streaming video right on your TV. With the lines blurring between what we view on our television versus the Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] An FBI memo reveals just how much damage cyber-attacks cause, citing a 2005 infection of Google server’s with the malicious Santy worm. Google spent over $500,000 on labor and lost revenues fighting the attack and bounced back, but would a smaller company be able to withstand the Continue Reading →

Level 3 vs. Comcast

Level 3 Communications, the company that helps deliver streaming video from Netflix, is going after Comcast. Level 3 is fighting the cable giant’s demand that Level 3 pay a fee to deliver movies and other content to Comcast subscribers. Level 3 believes the toll set by Comcast threatens the openness and innovation of the Internet, Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] While Apple devices don’t traditionally attract corporate clients, JPMorgan Chase & Co. is giving iPads to all of its global investment banking employees. Several other corporations are also considering the iPad for business uses. Is this bad news for the BlackBerry PlayBook?  You bet it is!  In Continue Reading →
Lady Gaga the self-proclaimed “Queen of Twitter” is done with social networking, temporarily. Stars like Gaga, Usher and Justin Timberlake have given up social networking to raise money for Alicia Key’s charity “Keep a Child Alive.” The stars will return to the tweetesphere after $1 million has been raised for the cause. Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play” dl=”0″] The US Government sure does like to play whack a mole. The Dept of Homeland security shut down a bunch of websites for violating US copyright laws. Of course, as soon as the sites were taken down, new sites quickly popped up to take their places. Not a big Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play” dl=”0″] Seventeen magazine has released a new study about the impact of Facebook on relationships of 16 to 21 year olds. The study revealed almost 80 percent of people ‘friend’ a love interest within one week, and 60 percent check the profile of their crush at least once a day. Continue Reading →

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