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Curiosity on Mars
At 1:31 a.m. Eastern time on Monday, NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover completed its eight-and-a-half-month journey from Earth to land on the surface of Mars. The Times is reporting the news as it unfolds directly from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and covering events and reaction from people tuning in around the globe. There are several transmitters on Continue Reading →
Scientists at Stanford University and the J. Craig Venter Institute have developed the first software simulation of an entire organism, a humble single-cell bacterium that lives in the human genital and respiratory tracts. – NY Times article 7/20/2012 When you are done reading below, take a minute or two to read the NY Times article on Continue Reading →
iTunes U
Apple’s online educational catalog, iTunes U, updated its app and website on Wednesday by adding enhanced features to make it even more convenient for students and educators. Now, educators have the ability to distribute courses privately and invite students to take them. Any teacher can signup to offer courses via iTunes U. Launched in 2007, Continue Reading →
Brittany Wenger
An artificial “brain” built by a 17-year-old whiz kid from Florida is able to accurately assess tissue samples for signs of breast cancer, providing more confidence to a minimally invasive procedure. The cloud-based neural network took top prize in this year’s Google Science Fair. “I taught the computer how to diagnose breast cancer,” Brittany Wenger, Continue Reading →
News Corp.
News Corp. on Monday named its grade school education business Amplify and said it and AT&T would fund a pilot project that aims to put tablet computers in students’ hands in the coming school year. AT&T will provide tablet computers that work on its 4G network and Wi-Fi network. None of the schools selected to Continue Reading →
Looking at her picture, you may think that Earth is a water world. But the fact is that she is 99-percent dry rock. According to our current solar system formation model, this is impossible—a mystery that has puzzled scientists until now. Rebecca Martin and Mario Livio—of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland—may have Continue Reading →
Sci-fi fantasies have long predicted that we might live on the moon. But while the lack of atmosphere poses a problem for lunar living, there may be an even bigger sticking point: new research suggests that the moon’s surface is itself toxic to humans. For obvious reasons, long-term human exposure to the moon’s environment has Continue Reading →

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