Media & Entertainment

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OpenAI's Sora, an almost unbelievable text-to-video generator, has been making waves since it was announced. In February, Sora was made available to a select group of "red teamers" for security and stability testing, as well as to a limited number of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers for feedback on its video generation capabilities. Continue Reading →
AI corporate governance
The excitement around AI, and its ability to impact almost every function across the enterprise, is forcing a lot of CEOs to consider revising their corporate governance structures. As you can imagine, the org charts vary dramatically ranging from centralized hierarchical oversight to decentralized distributed innovation. The emergence of the Chief AI Officer (CAIO), AI task forces, divisional ownership by business unit leaders, and SVP-level committees are all common approaches. Here's what we've been seeing. Continue Reading →

Is Your Business Ready for AI?

AI Maturity
Over the past 14 months, I’ve done dozens of leadership level-set workshops focused on how to integrate and leverage AI across the enterprise. While generative AI is getting most of the attention, it is not an isolated technology. To get the most out of AI-enabled platforms, your business must be culturally and technologically ready to put it to work. One of the most common questions I hear from senior business leaders is, “How can we measure our AI readiness?” Continue Reading →
I love the Apple Vision Pro. It is the first truly inspiring portal to the augmented reality world we are evolving into. That said, a fair number of like-minded early adopters are returning their devices (inside the 14-day return window) for the same reasons every other AR/VR device is sitting on the "tech graveyard" shelf in my office: it's not ready for daily use. Continue Reading →

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