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Tesla Model 3
In the not-so-distant past, Tesla was synonymous with the future of electric vehicles (EVs). Elon Musk (who some say is the Tony Stark of our age) painted a vision of the future that many bought into. Right now shareholders are calling for Musk to be fired, there are reports of more than $150M wasted on scrap metal, and there are concerns about the company’s overall finances. Tesla’s situation is troubling, but Mr. Musk will probably talk his way out of the current issues. Then what? Are Elon Musk and Tesla ready for the future? Continue Reading →
streaming apps
The idea of à la carte entertainment resonates with consumers. No one wants to pay for content they don’t consume. That said, the race to adapt audio and video distribution models to trending consumer behavior is turning into a hot mess. How many streaming services are too many? And will consumers run out of money? Continue Reading →
Bad Alexa
Some people believe that Alexa is listening all the time. This is true. Some people believe that Alexa records every word for posterity. This is false. Some people believe that having an Amazon Echo increases their risk of being hacked. This is also false. But, there’s more to the story. Continue Reading →
Smart Contract
A smart contract is just like an old-fashioned verbal or paper contract except with a smart contract, the conditions can be met digitally. Smart contracts are not new, but they are newly relevant (and a bit overhyped) because they are an awesome, non-cryptocurrency use of blockchain technology. Continue Reading →
On May 25, a new law called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is going into effect in the European Union. The law was created to protect EU citizens from potential abuses, like the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal. Wondering how this will change your world? Here are 5 things you should know. Continue Reading →
Known simply as 5G, the next-generation wireless network has been touted as "world-changing" and a quantum leap in the evolution of communication. There’s a good reason: it will be. If you're wondering how and why, here are 5 things 5G should make you think about. Continue Reading →

One Titanic Insight

Titanic Sinking
Edward “Ted” Smith was the captain of the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank on 15 April 1912. The story is legendary, so I won’t recount it here. But I’ve often thought that if a rookie captain were at the helm that fateful evening, the ship would be afloat to this day. This is pure speculation, of course, but I know several metaphoric Ted Smiths and they are captains of industry. Continue Reading →
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg will testify before Congress on April 11. It’s going to be a big day for Mark. That said, I could not resist the temptation to imagine what I might do if I were in Facebook’s shoes. So, as a starting point for your own “If I were Facebook” fantasy congressional hearing, here’s my list of the five things Facebook must do right now. Continue Reading →

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