Data Science

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Data Literacy vs Data Fluency

Data Literacy
The velocity of data is increasing and will always increase. Therefore, the need for data literacy is increasing and will always increase. All other things being equal, there is a significant difference between being literate and being fluent. To create value for your business you need to think strategically about sources and uses of data and understand how data is turned into action. Let’s review. Continue Reading →

They Already Have Your Data

TikTok WeChat
On August 6, 2020, the president of the United States signed two virtually identical executive orders banning the use of both TikTok and WeChat. TikTok will survive due to a partnership deal with Oracle that, at this writing, the president has approved. But, unless a federal judge issues a stay, by the time you read this WeChat will be officially banned. Continue Reading →
Online Networking Salon
I miss meeting new people. I miss bumping into people I know. So, necessity being the mother of invention, my team has been experimenting with different ways to gather our community – and we have a plan. Introducing the Shelly Palmer Online Networking Salons. They are free, category-specific, weekly, 20-minute, super-curated, small, Zoom meetings where you will introduce yourself, meet some new people, bump into old friends, learn something, hang out for a bit, and then get back to work. Here’s how we tested the theory and why we know it works. Continue Reading →
Compass Pointing North
Unified brand messaging and a well-defined brand personality are among your business’s most valuable assets. It all starts with a statement of the organization’s vision and mission (sometimes combined into a brand purpose) and a statement of brand values. Continue Reading →
Learning from her friends that TikTok view counts were all zeros, and thinking that this was a signal that TikTok was about to be banned, my friend's 12-year-old daughter ran up to her mom and excitedly said, "OMG! Will things go back to normal now?" Continue Reading →
Life Plan Roadmap Template
Like many of you, I’ve spent the past few months talking with friends and colleagues about the future. Everyone, myself included, is taking their best guess about what the new normal will be. There are many common questions: what will happen to restaurants, theaters, Broadway, concerts, bars, hotels, commercial real estate, the auto industry, airline travel, etc. As the conversations drift from professional to personal I am almost always asked, "What do you think I should do now?" Continue Reading →

TikTok For Business

TikTok is getting organized. The addictive, endorphin-producing, AI-driven social video network has organized its advertising tools under the "TikTok for Business" banner. Continue Reading →

Objective Reality

I feel like I am living in an alternate universe. Every statistic shows the number of hospitalizations and confirmed cases rising, yet about half the people I speak to and about half the news I read says the opposite. Continue Reading →

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