Cyber Security

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If you’ve filed tax returns in South Carolina sometime since 1998, you might be in a little bit of hot water. An unidentified, foreign hacker has gotten into the state’s Department of Revenue, pilfering around 3.6 million social security numbers, and 387,000 credit and debit card numbers. In other words, no small haul. It’s a Continue Reading →
Bank of America
Residents and city workers in Burlington, Wash., have been told to check their accounts after $400,000 was stolen from a city bank account. City officials believe that the security breach resulted from the infiltration of a government account used to pay workers in the town, which is about 65 miles north of Seattle. Although the Continue Reading →
Eye scanners have always been one of the security devices people think of when they think “high-tech” and “high security.” But they’re not perfect yet, some can be fooled with contacts or even pictures, but new pushes into detecting your personal eye jiggle could change that. The eye-movement system, being developed by Oleg Komogortsev, of Continue Reading →
Fingerprint Scan
Security consultants have independently confirmed a serious security weakness that makes it trivial for hackers with physical control of many computers sold by Dell, Acer, and at least 14 other manufacturers to quickly recover Windows account passwords. The vulnerability is contained in multiple versions of fingerprint-reading software known as UPEK Protector Suite. In July, Apple Continue Reading →

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