
Posts about 5G. Subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don't miss anything.

Does 5G Cause Cancer?

caution radiation
Does 5G cause cancer? No. No one knows what causes cancer. There are scientific theories, some with extraordinary supporting evidence, that clearly identify carcinogens. But when I asked Dr. Michael La Quaglia, my granddaughter’s cancer surgeon, how a 2½-year-old gets pancreatoblastoma, he looked me straight in the eye and said, “If we knew, we could prevent it. All I can do is try to remove it. And, with God’s help, I will be successful.” Those words ring in my ears to this day. So, it is with a great deal of humility, personal experience and a strong belief in the scientific method that I submit to you a reasoned rebuttal to the meme that “5G causes cancer.” Continue Reading →
Galaxy Fold
When I received my first Samsung Galaxy Fold review unit several months ago, I was delighted with the 7.3″ screen, computational power and, of course, the fact that the Fold, folded. Although the device that I was given never malfunctioned, I know several other reviewers had issues with the first iteration of the device and Continue Reading →
I’ve been at SXSW (one of my favorite annual gatherings) for about 24 hours and my head is about to explode. While there are incredible experiences to be had here and there is some amazing tech on display, Buzzword BS is at record levels. Here are just a few excerpts from the dozens of elevator pitches I listened to today. Continue Reading →

The Race to 5G Supremacy

Shelly Palmer
Shelly Palmer and Richard Quest discuss the race to 5G domination, major brands pulling ad's from YouTube, and Nike's share descent on CNN’s Quest Means Business. Original Airdate: February 21, 2019 Continue Reading →

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