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If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. The Pirate Bay was taken offline. The torrent sharing network was shut down yesterday by local Swedish authorities yesterday, as Global Gaming Factory decides the future of the company. The shutdown comes as Hollywood clamps down on weak torrent networks, and Continue Reading →

What’s a Bit?

Last week I asked a simple question, What is broadband? The technical definition is easy, however defining broadband in terms of public policy is anything but. As you know, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 directed the FCC to submit a National Broadband Plan to Congress by February 17, 2010 that addresses broadband deployment, adoption, affordability, and the use of broadband to advance solutions to national priorities, including health care, education, energy, public safety, job creation, investment, and others. So, in the spirit of getting a Socratic dialog going, I am asking you to think about what the United States needs to do to be a digital super-power in the 21st century. Continue Reading →

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