Shelly Palmer

The Future of Google Search

Google has thrown open the doors, albeit cautiously, to its new experiment: Search Labs. This venture is a crucible for testing features that could redefine how we engage with search engines​​.

The most intriguing feature is the Search Generative Experience (SGE), which places an AI-crafted summary at the zenith of search results. Say goodbye to the traditional “10 blue links,” and say hello to concise summaries, served with a side of suggested further reading.

The implications are far-reaching – not just for users, but also for the SEO industry. As the fight for the top spot escalates, the way we approach SEO could be turned on its head. Moreover, if users find the summaries sufficient, the frequency of clicks may decline, potentially affecting the entire web business model. It’s a bold and responsible move by Google, but with the features now in users’ hands, the game is set to change​​.

Google is in full testing mode, extending its AI capabilities to Gmail, Docs, and even a text-to-music generator. If you’re curious about this next phase of search, you can join the waitlist for Search Labs.

Oh, yeah… the elephant in the room: Google knows that conversational AI (chatbots) is going to dramatically reduce human web traffic. Bots don’t see or click on ads, and page views by bots mean nothing. Finding a way to preserve search revenue is existential for Google.

If you want to get a better understanding of how big this problem is for Alphabet, please sign up for our free online course, Generative AI for Execs.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.