Startup Entrepreneur
Unlike a traditional VC, accelerator or incubator, startup studios are company builders. Studios usually build many products simultaneously with shared resources in development, marketing, sales and more. Recent entities that fall loosely under this category is Betaworks, Twitter co-founders’ Obvious Corp and A16Z, which is stocked with teams of marketers, business development execs, recruiters and Continue Reading →
  Last week we launched a discussion starter, proposing that the CMO should lead HR (or at the very least have a seat at the table), and the responses have been amazing — ranging from absolute agreement to arguing that we are totally off the mark. This week, we want to look at some data. According to a recent poll, 72% of employees believe that Continue Reading →
Localization and Globalization
Driving demand, engagement and loyalty with customers around the world is more complex than ever. One thing is simple: speaking a customer’s language is the most fundamental and effective element of personalized communication. How can marketers overcome language barriers to excel at delivering all the right content, to all their audiences, in all the languages Continue Reading →