

Checking in should have always been automatic — a feature every phone shipped with that lets you keep up with friends and track where you’ve been. Even Foursquare CEO Dennis Crowley, who popularized the check in, would say so. But until the last year or two, the technology required to track your location without eating up your battery hasn’t existed. So we had Foursquare, which let you check in by opening the app and tapping a few buttons. A few years later we got Swarm, Foursquare’s dedicated check-in app, which made the process even faster. But neither app felt effortless. On Thursday, that all changed with Foursquare’s new Swarm widget for iOS 8. If you enable the widget, swiping down to your iPhone’s notification center now lets you check in with one tap. Foursquare has spent years refining its location-tracking engine, so its guesses are generally pretty accurate about where you are. If you’re the kind of person who uses Swarm to track your life, it’s a dream come true.

Read the full story at The Verge.

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