Heat Seek

Heat Seek

Google’s Nest thermostat makes it easy to save money by automatically turning down the heat when you’re not around. But many people don’t have the luxury of controlling their own temperature settings, let alone the money to buy expensive gadgets that can do it automatically. But now a group of civic-minded hackers is using the Internet of Things to at least help these folks keep their apartments warm. To guard the safety and health of tenants, New York and many other cities require landlords to keep inside temperatures above a certain level from October until May. But not all building owners and managers follow the rules. Each year, heating complaints are either the number one or number two most frequent complaint to New York’s government services and information line, 3-1-1, says Tom Hunter, the spokesperson for a volunteer effort called Heat Seek NYC, citing data from the site NYC OpenData.

Read the full story at Wired.

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