

Why walk to work — or even bike — when you can get there with smart electric skates? ACTON, the leading developer of wearable mobility products, unveiled the ACTON R RocketSkates — the world’s first smart electric skates — on Tuesday. With RocketShoes, skating is easier than ever — just strap on a pair over your shoes and start cruising!

Lightweight and remote control-free, RocketSkates free up your hands to do whatever — ACTON suggests some interpretive dance. The skates, which communicate with one another so they maintain the same speed and behavior, are powered by lithium-ion battery packs, and each feature two hub motors that are controlled by an on-board microprocessor. There are models available: the R-6, which runs for 45 minutes; the R-8, which runs for 70 minutes; and the R-10, which runs for 90 minutes.

RocketSkates pair with a companion smartphone app, which includes features like route tracking, skate diagnosis, battery status and games.

The RocketSkates’ Kickstarter has already blown by its $50,000 goal on only its second day. To learn more about RocketSkates — or to secure your pair (which are expected to ship in October) — head over to the Kickstarter page today.


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