3D-Printed Food

3D-Printed Food

From swirly corn chips to sour apple sugared candies, you can 3-D print practically any kind of grub. But aside from the obvious—like computer-generated cake icing—3-D food printers have reached new heights. Just like a coffee machine or a microwave, you can score your own Natural Machine’s Foodini (only $1,400!) or, if you’re an astronaut, you can get an outer space 3-D pizza printer from NASA, which costs $125,000. Anyway, if oozing goo from the pores of a printer doesn’t sound appetizing, it can be a life saver. Over in Germany, 3-D food printing has hit the weirdest heights. One project fills the cartridges of a 3-D printer with liquefied veggies, meat, and carbs for a cuisine called Smoothfood. Created for senior citizens in old folks’ homes, the meals are made from fresh ingredients—asparagus, meat, potatoes—which are then puréed for patients who have difficulties chewing and swallowing.

Read the full story at Munchies.

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