Shelly Palmer

Viral Marketing and the Mystery Behind HUVr

I love viral marketing. There’s something awesome about a company bucking the traditional path of advertising their product and going in a completely new direction. Whether you’re pushing a hit TV show, deodorant or a pointless movie remake, there’s something inherently charming to me about doing your own thing.

(EDIT: It turns out the campaign wasn’t for a product after all, but rather created by Funny or Die. The rest of this article remains unchanged.)

That’s why I’m currently obsessed with HUVr. Out of nowhere on Tuesday, a major promotional campaign spread like wildfire across the internet. Tony Hawk and Doc Brown (aka Christopher Lloyd) started showing off a “real” hoverboard. What’s the campaign for? Who knows! But I’m already hooked. (If it’s actually for a real hoverboard, that’s a whole other blog post altogether, where I’ll just shout “WE’RE IN THE FUTURE!” over and over again.)

Here, check out the first video from HUVr:

There’s very little – if any – information about what this is all really for. Some people say it’s for the next Tony Hawk video game; others think it’s for the Marty McFly power laces that Nike is launching next year. I guess it could also be some sort of waaaaaaaay advance marketing for the actual date they travel to in Back to the Future II (that would be October 21, 2015).

HUVr is advertising a “destination time” of December 2014. The company’s launched Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts, and there’s a sparsely-filled “About Us” page. Aside from that, there’s really no information at all. And why should there be? That would take all the fun out of it! I’d love to see a viral marketing campaign unfold over the next nine months, with little to no understanding about what it’s actually for. That would be awesome.

Whatever HUVr is really selling, I’m buying. Sign me up.