While Apple has been found guilty of conspiring to fix e-book prices as it sought to launch its iBookstore alongside the iPad in early 2010, five publishers involved in the case have already agreed to settle the cases brought against them by state attorneys general and other class-action plaintiffs. Among the publishers, Hachette, HarperCollins, and Continue Reading →
Kobo Aura E-Reader
E-reading company Kobo is releasing a new e-reader and three new tablets and launching a book discovery tool called “Beyond the Book,” the company announced at an event in New York Tuesday evening. It’s also partnering with read-it-later service Pocket and plans to launch a children’s digital bookstore and a digital newsstand this fall. The Continue Reading →
Nook HD
Two months ago, Barnes & Noble announced that it will stop manufacturing Nook tablets itself and instead seek partnerships with third-party manufacturers to build a co-branded line of tablets. The company is rethinking its stance, however, perhaps as a result of a change at the top. Last month, CEO William Lynch resigned and Michael Huseby Continue Reading →
Apparently Apple isn’t the only company thinking the US Department of Justice’s recently imposed remedies against it were “draconian.” US publishers HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, Penguin and others have also ganged up on the DOJ with a legal brief opposing the punitive restrictions. In it, they say the watchdog is “attempting to impose a specific Continue Reading →
In a sweeping rejection of Apple’s strategy for selling electronic books on the Internet, a federal judge ruled that the company conspired with five major publishers to raise e-book prices. U.S. District Judge Denise Cote in Manhattan found “compelling evidence” that Apple violated federal antitrust law by playing a “central role” in a conspiracy with Continue Reading →
Amazon Kindle
As far as media delivery goes, e-books are pretty flat. You get the book and maybe some notes or background info from the publisher, and that’s pretty much it. That’s not good enough for Amazon. The company was just awarded a patent, which it originally applied for on November 24, 2010, describing a way to Continue Reading →