LG G Flex

LG G FlexWhy make a flexible, bendable, curved phone, you ask?  “Probably we got bored,” LG’s Ramchan Woo joked at a small press gathering Tuesday night in a San Francisco hotel. And you sort of get a sense of that when you hear LG talk about the G Flex. The company certainly isn’t against trying something new. In September in Berlin we got our first look at the LG G2, which moved the power and volume buttons to the back of the phone.  Now we have the G Flex.  The 6-inch Android smartphone bends. It curves. It’s flexible. You can smash down on it with up to 88 pounds of force — about what you’d get if you sat on it, LG says — without causing any real damage. Hell, the thing heals itself from minor scratches. And Dr. Woo — and LG along with him — see this as the future.

Read the full story at Android Central.

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