Cover for Android

Cover for AndroidYou have more apps than you know what to do with, but Cover could fix that. It’s an Android lockscreen replacement launching (invite-only) on Thursday that adapts to show your top productivity apps at work, favorite chill out apps at home, and driving apps in the car. With a $1.7 million seed led by First Round Capital, Cover is proudly Android-first and -only, and could expose the inflexibility of iOS. “Now’s the time to be betting on Android” I’m excitedly told by lauded venture capitalist Josh Kopelman, who spearheaded First Round’s investment in Cover. The startup’s CEO Todd Jackson mirrors Josh’s passion for the open operating system. “The Android ecosystem and market is huge, yet every other startup goes iOS first. There are all these users used to getting things second and that sucks. There’s a huge market opportunity. I really want Android users to say, ‘Finally, a company building for Android first.’”

Read the full story at TechCrunch.

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