
CaliforniaRemember that dance-party photo you regretted posting online? How about the time you over-shared your feelings about your ex or made that comment about Barack Obama? All forever etched in the annals of the Internet. Well, maybe not – at least if you’re under 18. Legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday will require Web companies, starting in 2015, to remove online activity – whether it be scandalous or simply embarrassing – should a California minor request it. The thinking, say supporters of the new “eraser” law, is that boys will be boys (and girls, well, girls) and that the indiscretions of youth shouldn’t haunt them down the road. “Kids so often self-reveal before they self-reflect,” said James Steyer, founder of Common Sense Media, a nonprofit group in San Francisco that advocated for the law. “Mistakes can stay with teens for life, and their digital footprint can follow them wherever they go.”

Read the full story at SF Gate.

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