Texting and Driving

Texting and DrivingIn an effort to be a safer driver, many people, myself included, have started using voice-to-text mobile apps like Siri to keep two hands on the steering wheel. However, a new study by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute finds using voice-to-text apps to send and receive text messages while driving don’t increase driver safety. Christine Yager, who headed up the research, tells Mashable there were no distinguishable differences between manual texters and voice texters. “We did not find any differences between manual texting and the two voice-to-text apps that we tested in terms of driver response time and the amount of time looking at the forward roadway.” The study [PDF] is the first to compare voice-to-text and manual texting on a handheld device on the road. Researchers — testing participants driving an actual vehicle on a closed course — had drivers use one of two mobile voice-to-text apps, Siri for iPhone and Vlingo for Android.

Read the full story at Mashable.

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