
LucasArtsThe company behind games ranging from Monkey Island and Grim Fandango to X-wing vs. TIE Fighter and Jedi Knight is effectively no more. Disney announced today that it is shutting down internal development of games through its LucasArts subsidiary. “After evaluating our position in the games market, we’ve decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company’s risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games,” Disney said in a statement obtained by Game Informer. “As a result of this change, we’ve had layoffs across the organization. We are incredibly appreciative and proud of the talented teams who have been developing our new titles.” While it seems the LucasArts name will live on as a brand to handle Star Wars game licensing going forward, the developer is, for all intents and purposes, no more.

Read the full story at Ars Technica.

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