BlackBerry 10

BlackBerry 10As BlackBerry launches its keyboard-equipped Q10 smartphone, CEO Thorsten Heins is once again downplaying the importance of tablets in the mobile market. “In five years I don’t think there’ll be a reason to have a tablet anymore,” Heins told Bloomberg in an interview. “Maybe a big screen in your workspace, but not a tablet as such. Tablets themselves are not a good business model.” BlackBerry’s PlayBook tablet was one of its most notable failures, quickly dropping in price after unsold inventory caused it to take a $485 million loss in late 2011. Since taking the helm, Heins has slowly backed away from tablets: the company remained “committed” to them in mid-2012, but by early 2013, Heins indicated that their future depended on how well BlackBerry did with its new platform on phones.

Read the full story at The Verge.

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