Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – June 2, 2011

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Twitter recently announced a new way for users to search for tweets. With the release of Twitter image and video posts, searching for a word or hashtag will display relevant media. By offering instant search for media, Twitter is going to become a much more powerful tool. In other news, Microsoft, whose operating system is nearly absent from mobile devices, has put further restrictions on tablet producers who want to use Windows. The restrictions include requiring chip manufacturers to pair with only one hardware maker each. Will Microsoft’s limits control product quality or stifle innovation? And finally, new research by Cisco predicts that global Internet traffic will have quadrupled between 2010 and 2015. By 2015, Cisco predicts 15 billion networked devices with the average U.S. resident owning seven. The most growth will occur with mobile broadband traffic, which is expected to gets 26 times larger within 4 years.