
The recent vote on the principles of Net Neutrality (Chairman Genachowski voted for the Order; Commissioner Copps concurred and Commissioner Clyburn approved in part and concurred in part.  Commissioners McDowell and Baker dissented.) at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has drawn criticism from both sides.  Republicans in Congress are uniformly against it and Democrats are mixed.  Consumer advocates say it does not go far enough to protect consumers and the big carriers and tech giants (Verizon, AT&T, Google, Microsoft, etc.) offered lukewarm to tepid praise. Continue Reading →
Advanced Vision
New technology developed for the US military by Darpa, a Pentagon research branch, will give soldiers 360-degree ‘Terminator’-like vision. The headgear will create high-resolution computer imagery of the soldiers’ surroundings, including graphical overlays of projectile trails, muzzle flashes and maps. While the futuristic technology is still in development, its widespread use would certainly give us Continue Reading →
IBM Racetrack Memory
IBM’s theorized ‘Racetrack’ memory system had its physics recently validated, moving this revolutionary design one step closer to production. The memory chips automatically move data to where it can be used, allowing for more storage in a smaller package. Once out of development, these chips will allow laptops, smartphones and other mobile devices a considerable Continue Reading →
I Voted
A recent study by the Pew Research Center identified the uses of mobile technology during the 2010 U.S. midterm elections. Of the people surveyed, telling others they had voted was the most popular usage for mobile devices, totaling 14%. While users were eager to share their voting stories, 21% of those who used their device Continue Reading →
Mobile Phones
With more of our personal data being transferred over mobile networks than ever, carriers are investing heavily in security. Millions of dollars from venture capitalists are being spent to protect the consumer from the Wild West of mobile data. AT&T alone has hired 13 Ph.Ds to run a new lab focusing solely on mobile protection Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] New technology developed for the US military will give soldiers 360-degree ‘Terminator’-like vision. The headgear will create high-resolution computer imagery of the soldiers’ surroundings, including graphical overlays of projectile trails, muzzle flashes and maps. Hopefully, it will offer our soldiers better protection. In other news, IBM’s ‘Racetrack’ Continue Reading →
The CIA is enlisting a task force to determine the amount of damage WikiLeaks has caused the US government. With the apt acronym of W.T.F., the WikiLeaks Task Force comes years after previous CIA data breaches. The task force intends to inventory its classified data that gets distributed on over a dozen networks and monitor Continue Reading →
Craigslist Censored
After immense pressure from attorneys general around the US, Craigslist was forced to remove its adult services ads worldwide.  With many complaints that the classified ads provider was aiding the solicitation of prostitution and the section’s removal in the states, dozens of countries followed suit. Was Craigslist trying to keep the section up for free Continue Reading →