
The Federal Trade Commission has proposed a new plan to help protect consumers’ personal data online. The proposal includes a ‘Do-Not-Track’ provision that would allow Internet users to decide whether or not they give sites and advertisers permission to collect data about their online habits. The F.T.C. recognizes that current regulations have not kept up Continue Reading →
This week on Live Digital. Can WiFi harm trees? Why does the FCC want you to Txt 911? Why has MySpace given up as a social media site? And, how can you send an e-book as a gift. Plus, I’ll talk with Jim Barry, the CEA’s digital answer man. I’ll chat with NeuLion’s, Chris Wagner Continue Reading →
In the 25 days since its release Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect has sold over 2.5 million units. Kinect is a must-have item on many holiday gift lists and the company expects to sell 5 million devices by the end of the year. Back in 2006, Nintendo’s Wii had tremendous success when it was released, and so Continue Reading →
Bing’s 2010 most popular searches were announced and Kim Kardashian takes the top spot for most overall searches. Six of the top ten searches include celebrities while Barack Obama, Walmart, Hairstyles and Free round up the list. This year’s list differs greatly from 2009 when the most popular terms included swine flu, the stock market, Continue Reading →
Level 3 Communications, the company that helps deliver streaming video from Netflix, is going after Comcast. Level 3 is fighting the cable giant’s demand that Level 3 pay a fee to deliver movies and other content to Comcast subscribers. Level 3 believes the toll set by Comcast threatens the openness and innovation of the Internet, Continue Reading →
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to play … ” dl=”0″] While Apple devices don’t traditionally attract corporate clients, JPMorgan Chase & Co. is giving iPads to all of its global investment banking employees. Several other corporations are also considering the iPad for business uses. Is this bad news for the BlackBerry PlayBook?  You bet it is!  In Continue Reading →
While Apple devices don’t traditionally attract corporate clients, JPMorgan Chase & Co. is giving iPads to all of its employees in the global investment banking division. Several other corporations are also considering the iPad for business uses. This could be bad news for RIM who is hoping its BlackBerry PlayBook tablet device will attract its Continue Reading →