Shelly Palmer

Google Bringing High-Speed Broadband to the Home : MediaBytes with Shelly Palmer February 11, 2010

Just as the FCC is getting ready to make its recommendations to Congress about the future of broadband in America, Google is going to use its extraordinary clout to demonstrate its vision of the future.  Google plans to test ultra-high-speed Internet access in select towns to demonstrate what America might look like as a worldwide leader in access speed. PR stunt or patriotic duty …  how about good business move?

Microsoft is slated to unveil its reported iPhone killer this coming Monday. While Microsoft’s prior ventures into smart phone market have been lackluster, the company is hungry to get wireless customers hooked to its mobile platform. No word yet on what network will carry the phone, or if it will have multi-touch capabilities, two specifics that will determine if the phone will connect with consumers.

Apple is working with television studios to bring the price of TV downloads to $1. The major reduction, down from $1.99, comes as plans for TV subscriptions are pushed back. While the price changes benefit consumers, if the lower prices don’t increase sales, they may not last.