If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Watch Shelly’s commentary on APPLE’s (NASD:AAPL) pricing plan for the new 3G iPhone and the iPhone application store. The proposed XM (NASD: XMSR), SIRIUS (NASD: SIRI) merger is facing more regulatory hurdles. Sen. Sam Brownback (R.,Kan.) wants an unredacted copy Continue Reading →
  If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Read Shelly’s commentary on the first networked, broadband election and how Senator’s Obama and McCain shape up against each other. Watch Shelly’s commentary on APPLE’s (NASD: AAPL) 3G iPhone, which is expected to be unveiled today at Apple’s Worldwide Developer’s Continue Reading →
  If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube YAHOO Chairman ROY BOSTOCK sent CARL ICAHN a letter Thursday that said Icahn’s perspective on the botched MICROSOFT deal “reflects a significant misunderstanding of the facts about the Microsoft proposal.” However, Bostock reiterated that Yahoo remained open to a deal Continue Reading →
Star Trek Bridge
How fast was the wireless network on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise? Its mission was to, “boldly go where no one had gone before.” And to do that, Gene Roddenberry imagined a space vehicle the size of a small city with a very powerful computer network and a serious wireless broadband cloud. It may Continue Reading →