Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda is doing a great job for Paramount this summer. As of today, the movie has grossed $196,680,294. It is still playing on 3,347 screens nationwide and after five weeks in release it is still number five behind Get Smart, Wanted, Wall-E and Hancock. So imagine how surprised I was to receive an Continue Reading →
  If you are having trouble viewing our video player, check out MediaBytes on YouTube. Watch Shelly’s commentary on VIACOM’s (NYSE: VIA-B) decision to add shows to HULU, an NBC (NYSE: GE) – FOX (NYSE: NWS) joint venture. VERIZON (NYSE: VZ), TIME WARNER CABLE (NYSE: TWC) and SPRINT NEXTEL (NYSE: S) agreed to implement systems Continue Reading →
Kevin Martin
This week, FCC Commissioner Kevin Martin put some new spectrum up for auction. But there’s a catch. The winner will be required to provide free wireless broadband access to 50% of America within four years and, cover 95% of the country within 10.   First, I want to offer a tip of the cap to Continue Reading →
Star Trek Bridge
How fast was the wireless network on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise? Its mission was to, “boldly go where no one had gone before.” And to do that, Gene Roddenberry imagined a space vehicle the size of a small city with a very powerful computer network and a serious wireless broadband cloud. It may Continue Reading →
You walk into a retail store a few blocks from home and see something you’ve been eying for a while on sale. You pick it up, talk to the salesperson, put it down, walk around, think. When the salesperson is not looking, you text the UPC code to 262966, that spells “Amazon” on your mobile Continue Reading →