Shelly Palmer

Earn College Credits Watching YouTube

YouTube has partnered with Arizona State University (ASU) and Crash Course to create Study Hall, an affordable onramp to earning college credit. Starting today, students can sign up for four “College Foundations” courses that start on March 7, 2023, and offer eligibility for transfer credit. The initial class offerings encompass the most common first-year college courses: English Composition, College Math, U.S. History, and Human Communication. These courses are taught by the ASU faculty and are open to everyone with no applications or minimum GPAs needed.

I have not evaluated these specific courses, but I have watched hundreds of hours of college-level lectures on YouTube. The idea of using the platform to offer affordable college credits has enormous potential. Study Hall is not a collection of random videos; it is a highly-produced online learning platform with custom-created coursework. The wide distribution of YouTube, along with low-cost transferable college credits, gives me hope that big changes to postsecondary education are on the way.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.