Shelly Palmer

Newhouse Advanced Media Lab Series: What is Freedom of Speech?

June 28, 2022 – 6:30 p.m. ET (NYC)

In buying Twitter, Elon Musk says he will “bring relaxed content rules to boost free speech” on the platform, but what does that mean? Many people confuse freedom of speech with freedom from consequence. They also commonly confuse the protections granted under the First Amendment as applying to interactions between private citizens and businesses. Outside of limiting the government’s powers, is there such a thing as “freedom of speech”? And if there is, should we regulate big tech platforms to allow anyone to say anything? Shelly Palmer, advanced media professor in residence for the Newhouse School’s New Media Management program, hosts a panel discussion of industry leaders will explore freedom of speech and what it means in today’s political and tech landscapes. Get your credentials here.



This is a hybrid event. In-person attendance is limited; RSVP required.