Shelly Palmer

New York City says goodbye to its last public payphone

It’s the end of an era: New York City removed its last public payphone on Monday. The city began removing street payphones in 2015, replacing them with kiosks that offer free phone calls, Wi-Fi, and device charging. The boxy enclosures were once an iconic symbol across the city, but the rise of cellphones made the booths obsolete.

Coincidently, on the very same day, we launched the public beta of Metacademy: our free, hands-on Web3 educational platform. It’s the beginning of a new era (blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs, smart contracts, Web3, and associated technologies).

We are offering various live and online Web3 literacy packages for executive education, leadership training, and strategic planning. If you or your team are looking to sharpen your Web3 skills and keep them sharp, LMK.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.