Shelly Palmer

Amazon Wants an Inside Job

According to the AP, Amazon is pushing a service called “Key for Business” as a way to cut down on stolen packages by making it easy for Amazon’s delivery workers to leave packages inside apartment buildings and office lobbies, rather than outside. This has been met with the usual range of responses from, “Awesome, that will save us time and money,” to “No way!!! I don’t want strangers in my building,” as well as the “expert” responses about privacy and potential hackers.

All of this is far less interesting than the larger reality: our evolving behaviors now require us to adapt our physical spaces much faster than we’re used to. Do we need secure “package rooms” with secure buffer doors in apartment buildings?

Following that train of thought, there used to be one or two conference rooms in an office that included some kind of video conferencing system. Today, practically every employee sitting at a desk needs video conferencing capabilities, and almost every desk needs to be a video studio. Is it time to evolve the office plan to solve for background noise, people walking through your video, audio quality, lighting, camera angles, greenscreen or background setting, etc.?

We can’t help with your Amazon deliveries, but we have some awesome ways to adapt the desks in your office to become easy-to-use, world-class video production environments. I’m happy to chat with you about it.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.