Shelly Palmer

AT&T Lobbies For a Slower Internet


According to AT&T, 10 Mbps uploads ought to be enough for anybody.


In a blog post defining how AT&T is thinking about broadband for the 21st century, Joan Marsh, AT&T’s EVP of Federal Regulatory Relations, says there’s “no compelling evidence” that people need more than 50/10 Mbps or 100/20 Mbps service.

No compelling evidence. That is a remarkable quote.

Here’s the truth: the speed of information is directly equated to economic success. If you’re faster, you are more likely to win the race.

Hey, AT&T: it’s clear that you don’t want to help close the digital divide. What was that about your 5G network? We don’t need that kind of speed… do we?

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.