Shelly Palmer

Happy New Year

All of us now have 2020 hindsight. What a year. Since March, I’ve wanted to unplug 2020 for five seconds, then plug it back in and reboot it. Today’s the day. New Year’s Day 2021. The first day of a new year that’s sure to be filled with challenges, but also endless possibilities, hopes, and dreams.

My biggest New Year’s resolution is to redouble our efforts to encourage and foster civil, respectful, Socratic debate. 2020 has taught me that we don’t need to work together; we can all work separately. But we have to agree on the problems we’re trying to solve.

Please accept my very best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2021.

Author’s note: This is not a sponsored post. I am the author of this article and it expresses my own opinions. I am not, nor is my company, receiving compensation for it.