Shelly Palmer

Tech in the Kitchen Beats Tech in the Living Room | New Study

We were proud to be partners in an important consumer study spearheaded by Scripps Networks Interactive. 700 U.S. homeowners of all ages were surveyed finding that safety and comfort are the primary reasons consumers invest in smart home technology. The study was conducted through the company’s Under One Roof consumer panel, in partnership with the Consumer Technology Association; the National Kitchen and Bath Association; the National Association of Home Builders; CEDIA; and Shelly Palmer Strategic Advisors. The research findings will be presented at CES® 2017 and at Design and Construction Week 2017.

Overall, consumers are interested in improving their homes and quality of life through the addition of technology, citing safety, comfort, efficiency, value and convenience as desired results. The study uncovered the following new information:

Safety and comfort drive tech purchases, not ego or “keeping up with the Joneses.”

The kitchen is the No. 1 spot in the home to add technology.

Energy monitoring and light automation are consumers’ most desired smart home projects.

Finding a trustworthy consultant to help with smart home purchases is an extremely important part of the consumer journey.

  1. As homeowners consider smart home technology, more than half said they want to find a professional to help them make the right decisions.
  2. In the process of adding smart home tech, homeowners also expressed importance in professional installation and education, having product demonstrations and trial periods of use.
  3. While expense is the top barrier to purchase, respondents also cited tech phobia and an overwhelming number of choices as other deterrents.

Millennials, followed closely by Gen Xers, are the most likely to add smart home technology to their home.

Under One Roof is an internet-based community hosted by Scripps Networks Interactive that includes approximately 20,000 U.S. residents ages 18-64. The community is comprised of a national sample of consumers who are “lifestyle enthusiasts,” recruited based on their interest in the home, food and travel categories. The community is not intended to be representative of the U.S. general population.