Shelly Palmer

How to Disable the iOS 8 Features You Hate

By now you’ve no doubt downloaded and installed the shiny new iOS 8 on every device you own that can take it, but what if Apple doesn’t know best? What if some of the new features are a hindrance rather than a help? You can’t turn back the clock completely, but you can disable some of the changes ushered in with iOS 8. Lifehacker’s got a great guide of their own, and we’ve got a few more to add.  Everything you need is somewhere around the Settings app, but in case you can’t find the relevant option we’ll point out exactly where it is for you, and explain why you might want to disable it in the first place. iOS 8 will merrily display your recent contacts every time you view the multi-tasking screen (two taps on the Home button). If you’d rather not be reminded of the people you were recently chatting with (or you don’t want anyone who looks at your device to find out), it’s easy to remove.

Read the full story at Gizmodo’s Field Guide.