Shelly Palmer

Data Science 101 – Definitions You Need to Know

Our 7th Annual Media Technology Summit is just a few weeks away, and the subject of data science is going to be front and center. Each and every one of us creates a wealth of data every day, but… information is not knowledge. The data must be wrangled and put in context to make it actionable. There are many different techniques one can apply to data to accomplish this goal, but an important part of the process falls in to the multi-disciplinary field of data science. Which is what exactly?

These are just a few of the terms that you should know if you’re going to discuss data science with your HR department or anyone else for that matter. There is a great deal of myth and mystery around this subject, such as:

Of course, everyone really wants to know: Where can I find one? These are all great questions. For great answers, come join us at the 7th Annual Media Technology Summit on October 23 at the Sheraton Times Square. BTW, if you’ve read this far, email me for a discount code – you deserve it!