Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – August 22, 2014

If you’ve ever wanted to tour Mars from the comfort of your living room, today is your lucky day. In honor of the second year of Curiosity roving around the surface of Mars, Google now lets you virtually blast into outer space and poke around on the moon and Mars. To get into outer space, go to Google Maps and click on the “Google Earth” button in the lower-left corner. Wait for the image to load, then zoom out as far as you can go. Wait a second or two until the options for Moon and Mars appear at the bottom of your screen. Click on either and begin exploring! You can mouse around and zoom in, just like on regular Google Earth, or click on any of the landmarks to learn more about that area. There aren’t nearly as many spots to check out on the moon or Mars as there are on Earth, but it’s the quickest trip you’ll make to either location… and the cheapest, too.