Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – July 24, 2014

What if your office lamp could tell your co-workers where you were? That’s the thinking behind Place Lamp, which syncs with your smartphone to set up “geofences” that detect how far you are from your lamp. In the office but not at your desk? The lamp can glow blue. Out of the office on your lunch break? The lamp can glow yellow. Out of the country on vacation? The lamp can glow red. If you’re sitting at your desk, Place Lamp acts like a traditional desk lamp and provides light for your tasks. You can also use the lamp to set up notifications, like changing color when you get an email from your boss or have it “wink” pink if a loved one texts you. The Place Lamp is entirely automated, which means you can set it and forget it. Place Lamp isn’t available for purchase yet – the team is looking into a cheaper bulb than the Philips Hue – but it does offer a sneak peek into The Connected Office.