Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – July 16, 2014

Forget “OK, Glass.” What if you could take a picture with your mind? That’s the goal behind MindRDR, an app that was just released for Google Glass. MindRDR syncs with Google Glass and a separate piece of head-mounted hardware to create a “communication loop.” The app then looks for and tracks the brainwaves that respond to your focus, then translates them into a meter reading that you can see on Google Glass. The more you focus, the more the meter rises. Once you focus enough, MindRDR takes a picture of what you’re seeing. If you raise your focus even more, MindRDR can even post a picture to Twitter, along with the concentration levels you achieved. The whole setup is pretty clunky, especially with the need for extra hardware. And by building around Google Glass – which is pretty expensive to begin with – not too many people are going to be able to check this app out. Nevertheless, MindRDR is a very cool wearable idea to help “train” us to focus and concentrate better.