Shelly Palmer

Shelly Palmer Radio Report – June 5, 2014

Google’s been working on self-driving cars for a while, but it just unveiled a radical new prototype for a brand new model. Built from the ground up to be a self-driving vehicle, Google’s newest car doesn’t have any of the stuff that helps people drive “normal” cars – the steering wheel, pedals and shifters are all gone. Without those parts, Google was able to create a very small vehicle, just big enough for two people to safely travel in. Google wants to change the notion of transportation – a goal it says would be easier with a vehicle built from scratch, rather than retro-fitted from a traditional car. Building this car from scratch also helps make it safer. This model, which can only drive about 25 miles per hour, has a better sense of the road and can steer and brake better. Plus, it’s extra safe thanks to two feet of foam on the front and its use of plastic instead of glass.