Shelly Palmer

Adblock Plus Now Lets You Remove ‘Annoyances’ From YouTube

Adblock Plus already lets you customize Facebook and Twitter, offering to remove content that isn’t strictly advertising. Starting Thursday, the service is expanding its blocking powers to YouTube as well. Adblock Plus is particularly annoyed with YouTube’s recent decision to force its users to use the Google+ commenting system, which it says makes it “impossible to remain anonymous.” Even though a petition campaigning against the change has passed the 200,000 mark, Adblock Plus admits it “looks as if their voices will be ignored.” Enter the YouTube Customizer page, Adblock Plus’ latest tool that lets you selectively remove 10 “annoyances” from the service. Adblock Plus explains it wants to put its users back in control: “In addition to the infamous 30-second video ads served on the site, YouTube injects a lot of other content in your browser.”

Read the full story at The Next Web.