Shelly Palmer

Twitter App Overhaul Now Shows In-Stream Media Previews

Twitter shipped an update on Tuesday that adds in-stream video and image previews to the main feed in its iOS, Android and web apps. Previously you would have to tap on links for images via Twitter or video service Vine. Now you can see them right in the feed. Update below. At this point, the previews will just be for Twitter photos and Vine videos, though we can imagine that expanding to other formats. Not to sound too toot-my-own-horn-ey but this is the way that Twitter has been headed for some time, as I noted late last year. Twitter has also tweaked the tweet actions like faving, retweeting or replying to allow you to do that right from within your timeline. If that feature sounds familiar to you, you might have been in one of Twitter’s test groups, where it has been trialing this change for a few weeks.

Read the full story at TechCrunch.